Our Services Here
There are numerous services provided by the lymphoma support group for the patients and their family. They are listed below:
- Psychological support for patients and their family which is provided by the Lymphoma survivors and trained psycho-oncologists.
- Genuine and transparent information is provided about the disease, its treatment and strategies for coping up with the disease side-effects both social and emotional.
- Patients are also provided with hygiene and diet counseling regular activities for patients are arranged to engage their minds.
- Periodic meetings are planned for the welfare of the patients.
- Medical and technical assistance and support is provided by the professionals.
- Our team also counsels them about getting the financial assistance from various sources.
- Providing medical aid, psychological advice, financial assistance etc to the needy patients suffering from lymphoma or other related blood disorders.
- To establish, develop, maintain and grant aid in cash or in kind to hospitals , medical schools, medical colleges, nursing institutions, dispensaries, maternity homes, child welfare center and/or such other similar charitable institutions in India for the benefit and use of the general public.
- Granting of financial assistance for research and development work being carried out by scientists, doctors, technicians to find cure for patients suffering from lymphoma and also for development of new drugs to cure such blood disorders.
- Establishment, conduct, maintenance of clinical l a b o r a t o r i e s , h o s p i t a l s , n u r s i n g h o m e s , dispensaries and institutions dealing with blood/ cancer treatment and providing financial assistance to the deserving persons for their medical treatment, in any medical institution in India and abroad.
- To establish, run, support and grant aid or other financial assistance to schools, colleges, libraries, reading rooms, universities, laboratories research and other institutions of the like nature in India, for use of the students and the staff and also for the development and advancement of education and diffusion of knowledge amongst the people in general.
- To establish, maintain and run studentships, scholarships and render other kind of aid to students including supply of books, stipends, medals and and other incentives to study, without any distinction as to caste, colour, race, creed or sex.
- To establish , maintain or grant aid to homes for the aged, orphanages or other establishments, for the relief and help to the poor, needy and destitute people, orphans, widows, and aged persons.
- To establish and develop institutions for the physically handicapped and disabled or mentally retarded persons and to provide them education, food, clothing or other help.
- The Corpus fund of the TRUST will be used for the benefit of the general public at large.
- To grant relief and assistance to the needy victims during natural calamities such as famine, earthquake, flood, fir, pestilence, etc. and to give donations and other assistance to institutions, establishments, or persons engaged in such relief work.
- Grant of charitable donations to institutions working in the field of cancer etc.
- Providing for or contributing towards education and scientific research and development in cure of lymphoma or other related diseases.
- Providing medical relief to the poor and advancing any other objective of general public utility.
- Medical aid and other forms of financial assistance to the needy lymphoma patients and all other serious blood disorder patients from India.
- Other than medical aid and financial assistance to lymphoma patients the trust will also work for rural health care project, blanket and cloth distribution, disaster emergency services and children education and upliftment services also.
- The Trust will not carry out any activities with the intention of earning profits and will perform with service to humanity only.
- The trust will carry activities outside India as approved by the Government of India.
- To grant aid or render assistance to other public charitable trusts or institutions.
- That the trust fund maybe augmented by the income from the initial fund and also donations and other contributions from time to time.